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Problem Posting Links

Title Problem Posting Links
Description Problem Posting Links - Access?
Message Text Hello, I just upgraded from the preview version to 3.3.19. It seemed to have been working properly, however now when any account, including the admin account submits a link, it jumps to the noaccess.tpl page and will not accept the submission. There are so many configuration options, I am thinking that I looked over the solution to the problem...hoping it is something easy. I even created a new category (after upgrading) and a new "Member" and still I get the no access message. Has anyone had this problem before? Great program, by the way. Really powerful! Thanks to all, - Dude p.s. unfortunately, I am using the software on an intranet and you can't see it. I hope this isn't a problem. I am attaching my suggestlink.tpl and my suggest.php files
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Submission Date Jun 16, 2006 - 11:47 AM