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Viewmail.php Admin error in template

Title Viewmail.php Admin error in template
Message Text Using 3319 the following error is occuring: <br> If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template ../templates/defaultRW/admin/viewemail.tpl (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 504 of the output. Line #499 <p align="center"> Line #500: <a href="../index.php?action=userlogout" target="_top">Logout</a> | <a href="../index.php" target="_top">Browse Categories</a> | <a href="../memberlist.php" target="_top">Member List</a> Line #501: </p> Line #502: </body> Line #503: </html> Line #504: ANY IDEA WHY THIS COULD BE HAPPENING?
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Submission Date Jun 07, 2006 - 8:58 PM (Edited )