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Suggest A Link Page

Title Suggest A Link Page
Description Extending URL field length changing Recip Link Txt
Message Text Hi there!

Am fiddling around trying to get my directory looking the way I'd like it... which is a mission for someone who regards PHP as little short of witchcraft! :-)

1.) In the Suggest Link page, the URL fields are very short - seems to be set to {STANDARDSIZE} and i would like to know where to change that to a longer value e.g. perhaps 50 characters
2.) Reciprocal Links - if no reciprocal link is found, a message comes up to the effect that "No reciprocal link can be found on your page. If you haven't yet placed a link, please place this HTML on your page:" and the HTML is not what i'd like;
<a href="www.comauth.co.nz/directory">Links Directory</a> HOW/WHERE do I change this reciprocal link text?



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Ownership The SEO Guy (NZ)
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Submission Date Jun 02, 2006 - 4:30 AM