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Sponsored links not working

Title Sponsored links not working
Message Text Paul I carried out the following test:
  1. Created a link through suggestlink.tpl
  2. Checked the box at the end for sponsored links
  3. Upon pressing Submit, was taken through to the sponsor page. Clicked the Paypal button and paid by credit card (like a real purchase). Payment confirmed. I got a receipt from Paypal stating I now had $1 in payment grin
  4. Returned to the site, the new link I'd just created was still a 'regular' link
  5. After several hours, nothings changed.
  6. If I edit the link, I can see that Link Funds still reads $0
Any clues? All the options on Paypal are correct, eg IPN is on, the link is correct back to paypal.php ??? rolling eyes
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Submission Date May 29, 2006 - 4:05 PM