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Useless error, but...

Title Useless error, but...
Message Text While fiddling around with different stuff, and loging in with different users I somehow created a situation where the "Members" links was showing:
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ../classes/database.php on line 108
with an empty list below. This happened to be in Opera 8.54, Build 7730 for windows. Since it was working just minutes before I loaded firefox and the member list was okay. I restarted Opera, deleted all the cookies (none for anything but WSN Forum) for my site and tried again and it worked. In any event, it would be, if cookies are able to produce such errors, to error trap the 'bad' cookies and delete them. Or perhaps if it's due to varying user access among users of the same computer, grouping/naming the cookies created by user ID so one users cookies don't get associated with another user on the same computer/browser... or maybe it's an Opera problem! wink Some of the other odd things I have witnessed were also from cookies, or at least deleting them apparently cured the problem. EG: With v1.3.0 before my upgrade.. Upon New User Registration:
Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ../classes/database.php on line 94
Upon Activation Link:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: replace() in ../end.php on line 136
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Submission Date May 28, 2006 - 12:47 AM