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How to replace empty thumbshot image?

Title How to replace empty thumbshot image?
Message Text I am using Thumbshots.org previews. Sometimes there are no thumbshots available and I would like to put in a conditional statement if possible, so that if no thumb is available, then a replacement image is posted in its place - how can I code this?

The code to display the thumbs is:
<img src="http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url={LINKURL}" onload="if (this.width>50) this.border=1; this.alt='Thumbnails by Thumbshots.org'">

Am unsure how to use an IF statement to replace empty thumbs with another image, or even nothing in its place, instead of the red X you get for a broken image at the moment...

Thanks for any help.
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Submission Date May 14, 2006 - 4:14 PM