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Custom attach fields

Title Custom attach fields
Message Text Hallo Paul,

I install original WSNlinks version 3.3.17, (multilingual) with all default settings.

I changed only this:

1. Add new custom link field (type file) with name: logoattach

2. Add code to suggestlink.tpl:

<td class="labelscolumn"><span class="labels">Logo (new custom field - logoattach)!!!!</span></td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="file" name="logoattach"></td>

2. Add code to edit.tpl:

<td class="labelscolumn"><span class="labels">Logo (new custom field - logoattach)!!!!</span></td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="file" name="logoattach">
<IF {LINKLOGOATTACHTITLE}><input type="checkbox" name="logoattachdelete" value="1"> Delete: {LINKLOGOATTACHTITLE} ?</IF></td></tr>

3. I suggest category name - Test category

Now I tried:


1. I logged as member: befeleme.
2. I submitted link Testlink1 and I attached logo.jpg (use custom field)
3. I submit this link
4. I logged as admin, I go to validate items, I approve Testlink1
5. Log as member, I go to edit Testlink1, everything is all right ( checkbox and text: Delete logo.jpg? there is).
Field "logoattach" in DB contains now:
6. Now I change only title of link and click to button "Edit link"
7. I logged as admin, I go to validate items. There is changed fields: title, logoattach (but I did not change field logoattach!).
8. I approve edit Testlink1
9. Now I Log as member, I go to edit Testlink1, now checkbox and text: Delete logo.jpg? is not here!
Field "logoattach" in DB contains now: 06839b7870fe4fe2be68e580352f33ca.wsn


1. I logged as member befeleme.
2. I submitted link Testlink2 and I attached only picture.jpg (default way by use attach button)
3. I submit link
4. I logged as admin, I go to validate items, I approve Testlink2
5. Log as member, I go to edit Testlink2, everything is all right(one name of files: picture.jpg and checkbox for select and button "delete selected")
6. Now I attached logo.jpg (use custom field) and click "Edit link"
7. I logged as admin, go to validate items, I approve Testlink2
6. Field "logoattach" in DB contains now:
5. Log as member, I go to edit Testlink2, now checkbox for delete logo is not here (?? because logoattachtitle is not in DB ??).

C) When admin make all steps in B) (only without validating suggest and edit link), everything is all right and field "logoattach" in DB constantly contains :

I tried all many times.

Thank you for help with my problems.

P.S. The same problems I have in version links 3.3.19.

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Ownership befeleme
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Submission Date May 09, 2006 - 1:26 AM