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Weird main template happening

Title Weird main template happening
Message Text http://www.babrees.co.uk/photogallery/index.php I made a new cat field for attachments and messed around with main template to show attachment. Didn't do it correctly first time. Corrected my errors but the corrections didn't show. Cut a VERY long story short... although I amended the <!-- BEGIN CATSBODY section, these do not show no matter what I do or how many times I upload main.tpl. So, I reinstated the original main.tpl template and it STILL shows <!-- BEGIN CATSBODY --> section incorrectly Can't really explain it well - it's weird! Looking at source from the browser as a user it shows... <!-- BEGIN LINK ATTACHMENTS --> <img src="thumbnail.php?catid=18&field=customattach"></a><br /> <!-- END LINK ATTACHMENTS --> <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&amp;catid=18">Rene</a>, BUT that is NOT in the template I have uploaded!!!!!!!! I deleted ALL templates and had the correct error message (no templates). I then reinstalled templates with original main.tpl but still get this! HELP!
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Submission Date May 06, 2006 - 1:50 PM