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phpmyadmin move content

Title phpmyadmin move content
Description genius wsn funktion - old field not needed
Message Text I run a classifields market with wsnlinks 3.3.15. During searching on the manual I found { LINKDESCRIPTION[x] } which reduces the displayed description to x characters.

Because I dosen't now the function before I made a new field which was called longdescription and let the users fill out both fields. This field is now not needed anymore.

Now I have 1000 classifields and I want to move the content for each (link) form the fild linklongdescription to the field linkdescription and overwrite the content of linkdescription.

Please can somebody provide the exact mysql command for that in detailed form like example:

UPDATE wsnlink_settings SET content=''...

Thank you, Sebastian

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Submission Date Apr 28, 2006 - 12:40 AM