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function templatesdir()

Title function templatesdir()
Message Text I have a wsn links installation, that, on the admin panel, in the menu frame, the small bullet.png image is not being called becuase the path to it is incorrect. The first item on the menu is "main" with this code: <a href="index.php?show=main" target="frameright" class="menu"><img src="../templates/default/images/bullet.png" border="0" alt="bullet"> Main</a> If I change the ../ to be ./ the bullet.png image works. I see in the classes folder a file settings.php which has this: function templatesdir() { global $inadmindir; if ($inadmindir) $dir = '../'. $this->templatesdir; else $dir = $this->templatesdir; return $dir; } I believe this is the source of the ../ This same installation also had a problem finding the css for the admin menus, causing them to look awful. I was able to "correct " that by making an edit in the menu.tpl file as follows: Original: <link rel="stylesheet" href="[IFADMIN../]templates/default/admin/style.css" type="text/css"> I edited to: <link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/default/admin/style.css" type="text/css"> I assume both these problems are related to an incorrect path. Any ideas where this problem is coming from. At this point the wsn links install is working ok as far as the public view is concerned, but I would like to correct this admin path problem so I can use unaltered code in the files. I guess it is obvious that I know very little about PHP at this point.
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Submission Date Apr 11, 2006 - 7:47 PM