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Best way to give users more options

Title Best way to give users more options
Description depending on which link type they choose...?
Message Text What's the best way to achieve this? I'm looking to give users more options depending on which link type they choose, e.g. for reciprocal links, I'd like to give them the ability to add secondary categories. The problem is that, at the moment, its all on the 'suggest link' template. That is, there's no way of only allowing those who select reciprocal link types the ability to add secondary fields. What do you suggest is the best way to handle this? Using member groups? Example: if they choose reciprocal link types, they get promoted to a specific member group and if they then edit the link they've just submitted, they'll be able to see the option to add secondary categories.....
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Submission Date Mar 10, 2006 - 9:09 PM