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Generate html and subdomains

Title Generate html and subdomains
Message Text Im generating HTML to my main wsnlinks directory and pointing visitors to http://www.mysite.com/index.html I also have wsnforums set up on a subdomain at http://forums.mysite.com/index.php On my main page I am trying to point links to my forums (manual a hrefs in the template not any sort of toplist) The link to http://forums.mysite.com/ works fine, but links to forums.mysite.com/index.php...?action=displaycat&catid=1 Get written over as http://www.mysite.com/category1.html The setting in Generate html are set to overwrite categorys as category{CATID}{PAGE}.html But it seems to be mistaking the subdomain and rewriting these links also. I probably need to update versions, but didn't see this reported so thought I would mention it and see if you need to provide a fix for the newest version before I update. -EDIT- I also can't display links to custom pages because index.php gets overwritten as index.html. Perhaps if there were way to tell WSNLinks not to rewrite a section of html?
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Ownership mrowton
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Submission Date Feb 23, 2006 - 11:26 AM