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admin CP, styles & templates

Title admin CP, styles & templates
Message Text I have noticed that a few admin control panel templates draw from the user/member template setting parts of a template set for at least one graphic file - columnheader.png Best I can tell everything else in the admin CP uses the style.css that is in the admin area of the template set. Problem is this one graphic file use may not (is not in my case) be suitable for the standard admin CP style. EG: a template set with a black columnheader.png results in the admin panel having 'hidden' column header text. Since the admin panel needn't neccessarily conform to a site color theme there's not much reason IMO to modify the admin style.css to compensate for user templates. So, basically I'd like to suggest that the admin CP not adopt images from member template sets. It seems the columnheader.png is the only place this happens..
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Submission Date Jan 31, 2006 - 9:53 AM