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Some thumbs showing, some not

Title Some thumbs showing, some not
Message Text Hi - my host just changed servers - fun!!! - and the changeover almost went smoothly just a couple of problems. 1 - Half of my thumbnails are showing. half not showing... see: www.dpalbums.lv/lat/search....h=Gaisma%20Kovals%20Newman the random image on the front page also doesnt show. Funny thing is that in the search results at the address above the entries that dont show a thumbnail image will show the enlarged image on the actual photo page BUT the ones that show a thumbnail wont show an image on the photo page. Any ideas what is creating this problem?? 2 - Can someone tell me if theres anything I need to do after a server change with the registeres user list - I cant get into admin as it seems all my users ( including admin) have disappeared. Which table in the database holds the users (_links?) so I can see if theyre still there. 3 - This is not a gallery problem but thought someone might have come across this - phpMyAdmin doesnt show the text of the entries, it just shows [BLOB] so I actually cant see entry text to see if its correct, anyone know how to fix this??? Thanks for any help Jeremy
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Submission Date Jan 19, 2006 - 5:41 AM