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Moderator only rating system

Title Moderator only rating system
Description Only wnt the 'RATE' link to appear for moderators
Message Text Hi I have set up a usergroup called 'moderators'. 2 questions; 1. I want a system where moderators can assign (not vote) a star rating to a link that is 'permanent' (until they change it again). I.E. I don't want an aggregate system of assigning stars, but rather I want a 'moderator' to simply be able to assign 3, 4 or 5 stars (or whatever) to a link. Is this possible. 2. I don't want guests to see the 'RATE' link. It's easy to disallow guests from being able to vote, but they will still see the 'RATE' link. Is it ppossible to hide the 'RATE' link from everyone except certain groups (i.e. the 'moderators' group). Thanks for any help.
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Submission Date Dec 14, 2005 - 11:15 PM