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Several script issues

Title Several script issues
Description Several issues/questions
Message Text 1. I would like to modify the {LINKADMIN} link to contain the variable &catid={CATID}. I need it because I've created a custom link field that is dependant on a category (I've used conditionals) and the current link: "the edit.php?action=link&field=id&condition=equals&fieldvalue=14" doesnt pick the category ID so I cannot change the custom link field information via edit function.

Can you please point me what file do I change to modify the link.

2. I would like to display category specific meta tags (description). I edit them via the edit category dialogue and yet the default meta tags are used for that particular categories. Is there anything else I need to do to get the right meta tags (according to manual editing the category should do it).

3. Is there a way to show all the categories that a link is found in for links that are part of multiple categories? I have used a link variable named {LINKCATNAME} but it only shows the category name for one category (apparently there are multiple link IDs for a single link one for each category)...so if a link is part of 3 categories it is assigned 3 separate IDs. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.
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Submission Date Dec 07, 2005 - 5:16 PM