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Customise - WSNGallery/Links

Title Customise - WSNGallery/Links
Description Looking to Customise
Message Text A while ago I wanted to make WSNgallery (and WSNlink a specific part of my site - a model (photographic) and resource site. So much and so much to customise. Basically due to my inexperience etc. I decided to try wander off and try Elance and posted for someone to redesign. I actually got 6 quotes - 5 within and 1 out of my price range. Now I've never done this before but the single one I chose ended up an absolute failure with 50% payment made and as I have my own server I gave space for the person to use. Shall we say communication was hopeless if almost non existent followed by a message telling me it'd be ready by Monday (like 5 weeks late)and he (or she) never even used the space and facilities offered. Finally it never happened and due to a limited budget decided to give it up as a bad job. Maybe someone here can suggest a more positive chance of me finding someone. Maybe I just happened to strike unlucky but it's made me exceptionally wary of so called freelance services because the acknowledged profiles showed differently. Michael
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Submission Date Dec 03, 2005 - 11:05 PM