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censorship nonfunctional

Title censorship nonfunctional
Description in the member area
Message Text Hey Paul, Just noticed something. I am doing a site where special characters, such as á ( á ) is used throughout the site. When viewing a normal page, such as the index, or categories, these special characters are displayed fine. However, when I am in the member's area, such as Edit Profile, these characters seem to fall apart. For example, the á becomes Ãi on those pages. The reason why they work on the other pages, was because I created a Censor/Replace for each of these special characters. So when somebody types in á, it turns it into &_a_acute; (remove the _ to see the character), because for some reason the browsers need to have these characters displayed in Entity Characters, otherwise they get converted. Anyways, the point is, that the Censor feature works on the pages, but it doesn't in the member area. Not sure, but there is probably other areas as well. Any thoughts? Thanks David
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Submission Date Dec 03, 2005 - 2:06 PM