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Title Templates
Description Problems editing templates
Message Text I seem to be having problems editing the templates. Is there a particular editor that you have to edit these TPL files in? I have been using Dreamweaver, and every time I upload I get a Parse error.

Also, I have tried to understand how to add the new fields to a template. I read the manual, but I am still confused.

I am basically trying to put in the new added fields: Genres, Warnings, OtherParings, Recommended_By, Completed, HowlerPoints, Author, and StoryRating into the link's display. I want it to look kind of like this:


Every time I edit it, it gives me a parse error. I am trying to put it in a table, and it keeps coming up with a message:

If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 329 of the output.

This is what the problematic area of the template looks like during parsing:
Line #324: <script language="JavaScript"> alert("You have a new instant message. Click the sender's name in the IM notification area near the top of the page to join the conversation.") </script>
Line #325: <?php } ?>
Line #326: <?php if (0) { ?><script language="JavaScript">alert("You have a new private message.");</script><?php } ?>
Line #327: </body>
Line #328: </html>
Line #329:

Any help would be appreciated!

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Ownership DHowler
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Submission Date Oct 12, 2005 - 7:50 PM