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DMOZ import

Title DMOZ import
Message Text I just installed WSN links and tried to import using dmozimporter.php It appears it does not parse the report file from Tulip correctly. I get the correct descriptions, but URLS look like [<a href="http://dmoz.org/editors/editurl.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.h....etc... and titles look like this also [<a href="http://dmoz.org/editors/editurl.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww......etc.... it does appear to extract the DMOZ categroy name correctly It only extracts the first category, and does not find any sub-categories. It also does not complete importing as it finds an error in category relations - but spidering completed, and it scanned the correct number of sites from the category group. "A category other than your first one cannot find a parent, and is trying to add to the top level. This indicates a problem in your report file -- likely incomplete spidering. " I've tried a few different categories and keep getting the same errors.
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Ownership Nicky32
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Submission Date Sep 27, 2005 - 7:01 PM