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Mistake in index.php TR handling?

Title Mistake in index.php TR handling?
Message Text Hey Paul, index.php . Not sure which parts exactly, but the ones that relate to the creation of columns in the table for displaying subcategories. It displays without an opening <tr> when it jumps to the next row. So if I set my columsn to 3, then after the 3rd columns items, it closes the <tr>, then starts a new <-- BEGIN REGULAR -->, but it doesn't start a new <tr>. It simply start the <td> </td> </tr><!-- BEGIN REGULAR --> <td That's how it ends up. Look at this: validator.w3.org/check?uri=...ctype=Inline&ss=1#line-105 You will see the 3 places where it did this. Check out the corresponding page here: anmlmdirectory.com/index.ph...action=displaycat&catid=41 You will see that places where the errors came up are categories: Finance and Investments, Leads, Software . As you can see, they are the starting point of a new row and they all have this problem. My guess is to just implement an extra check that makes sure to put a <tr> after the <-- BEGIN REGULAR --> number of occurences of columns that were specified in the admin panel. Something like: IF that number is 3, then right after the 4th occurence of <-- BEGIN REGULAR -->, create a <tr> . Thanks David
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Submission Date Aug 11, 2005 - 2:50 AM