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linktypes in category

Title linktypes in category
Description linktypes appearing when aren't called
Message Text On my site links are set to show up in one column, so the table specific html is inserted with the <!-- BEGIN and END statements. I also have a linktype of sponsor that I don't want to show inside a table. To do this I call the sponsor link with a toplist at the bottom of every category. For some reason the sponsor links are called twice now, once below the 'regular' links and once in the toplist. Although I never call sponsor links with <!-- BEGIN SPONSOR LINKS It seems like if I have a link in a category that isn't specifically called with <!-- BEGIN LINKTYPE LINKS then the links get called anyway. Viewing source I see that the sponsor link is called with the <!-- BEGIN REGULAR, although it is clearly not a regular link. There are several work arounds I can do here, but I thought I'd bring it up. Doesn't seem like normal behavior. I think I noticed this with search also, but can't remember.
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Submission Date Jul 29, 2005 - 1:03 PM