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My Confirm Vote just stays there

Title My Confirm Vote just stays there
Description after clicking
Message Text Hi there, My first post here. grin I bought the software a few weeks ago and think it is great. However every so often when I had version 3.16 when I clicked on the 'confirm vote' button nothing happened. This usually resolved itself the next time I logged or had gone into the ACP. It didn't happen often. However I upgraded to the new version a few days ago. And put some custom voting fields in ( I am still a bit unsure if I did everything correctly), but they seemed to work. 5 custom ratings areas, and all votes being counted. I have everything at the moment set so that anyone can vote (it's not live and I'm still tinkering). One thing I did notice though is that when I rated a site it came up with 'Thank you your vote has been recorded' straight away. There was no confirm page. I logged in the next morning to do a bit more and when I tried to vote again, there was a Confirm page coming up "You are about to give "Testing" a rating of 3, where 1 is the lowest rating and 5 is the highest." When I click 'Confirm' it doesn't do anything... no votes are being sent to the db either. I re-uploaded all the templates this morning fresh, and with no customisations, but the same thing is happening. Any ideas ? I'm sure it's something simple I've overlooked.
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Ownership femmy
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Submission Date Jul 24, 2005 - 10:11 AM