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NEXT button in comments.php

Title NEXT button in comments.php
Message Text Hello,

I have an online documentation that I would need a NEXT and PREVIOUS button for, in the link details (comments.php) page. I have an extra field for each link (for internal tracking) that is their chapter number. This is a number, such as 01,02,03...11,12,13 etc.

Since I called the field CHAPTER, is there such a thing like {NEXTCHAPTER} and {PREVIOUSCHAPTER} that I could create, which would know the next incrementing number in that field?


Something like {PREVIOUSCHAPTER+1} or something along those lines? Something to tell an A HREF that the link is to point to the link that is THISLINKCHAPTER+1 ? In this case, how would it know that after 09, comes 10 and not 010?

OR any other trick that I missed when reading the manual?

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Submission Date Jul 24, 2005 - 12:39 AM