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strip http://www.

Title strip http://www.
Description How to?
Message Text Hey Paul (and other WSN gurus), Quick question. I wanted to create a toplist such as: <CONFIG>links,hits;rating,10,descending;descending,,,,0,0,0,0</CONFIG> <a href="{LINKDETAILSURL}">{LINKURL}</a> but this brings up the full URL for the listing. Any way to strip that http://www. in front of the URL? Or would I have to get the listing's URL into another field in the link 'profile', then call that custom field up? THanks David PS.: Been setting up the software for about 5 days now and can't stop. LOVING IT. The best thing I have seen for those that don't mind to put in some time to configure a script ENTIRELY to their needs.
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Submission Date Jul 21, 2005 - 11:28 PM