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integration with EE

Title integration with EE
Description sql error with integration
Message Text I just created an integration script for wsn links to be integrated into Expression engine. I uploaded it to the integration folder and when I installed wsnlinks I made the prefix the same as EE's table prefix which is exp_ and used the same database. I then login to the wsnlinks admin panel to choose the EE integration script and when I try to login to EE I get an error that basically lists the table its missing. When I go into phpadmin to check the members table I only see the wsn fields and all EE fields are missing. By the instructions I read in wsn links manual for integration it should add the fields missing for wsn and merge the ones that are the same. This is my integration script:
// EE member integration hack for WSN

$memberstable = 'members';
$newusergroup = 'group_id';
$newname = 'username';
$newid = 'member_id';
$newmemberwebsite  = 'url';
$newip   = 'ip_address';
$newlastvisit    = 'last_visit ';
$newallowuseremail    = 'accept_user_email ';
$newallowemail    = 'accept_admin_email ';
$newallowuseremail    = 'accept_user_email ';
$newcomments    = 'total_comments ';
$newtime    = 'join_date ';
$newallowuseremail    = 'accept_user_email ';

$group1 = '3'
$group2 = '5'
$group3 = '1'
$group4 = '2'
$group5 = '4'
$group6 = '6'

$otherencoder = 'no'; // use md5 by default. if other, write it up in encoder.php

$admingroup = '1';
// Note: group listed above should be the administrative usergroup. If not, change the line above.
// Be sure you do not use the wrong group id, or members may be able to use your admin panel.

$idcookiename = ''; 
$passwordcookiename = '';
// fill in the name of the cookie that holds the member id and password, if possible.

$cookietype = ''; // if user cookie is array, fill in 'array' 
$idindex = ''; // index of cookie that gives the id 
$passwordindex = ''; // index of cookie that gives the password
$cookieidtype = ''; // if the cookie id is actually a username, put 'name' here
I dont know what Im doing wrong? It seems that once I install the database for wsn it deletes the ones from EE. Should I be keeping the prefix wsn for the wsn database? I would really appreciate your help with this. and I mean really!! thank you so much in advance. Im so close to finishing the site and this would make a huuuuge difference. smiling face
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Submission Date Jul 09, 2005 - 5:46 PM