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Javascript generation problem

Title Javascript generation problem
Message Text Hi, How do i chmod the javascript folder? I can't seem to find it at ftp. i was trying to use the javascript to generate feeds for my site. Here is my config file for the feed:- <!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 --> <CONFIG>links,id,20,descending,,,,0,0,0,100</CONFIG> {NUMBER}) <a href="thread/{LINKID}" target="_blank">{LINKTITLE}</a><br> <!-- END TOPLIST 5 --> And i name the file as javafeed.js but when i view it, i cant seem to load the feed? Do i need to chmod the files first? And if so, where do the files go? Couldnt find the folder of javascript. I am using aceftp. Tried downloading cuteftp and also couldnt find it I tried creating the folder but it says it has already existed. I remember last time when i typed in -br in wsftp and some hidden folders will show up or something. Is this the same thing? Please help.
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Submission Date Jun 14, 2005 - 6:12 PM