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Using thumbnail.php on static pages.

Title Using thumbnail.php on static pages.
Description No thumbnail with ATTACH file uploads
Message Text I have created 5 new fields named LINKIMAGE1ATTACH to LINKIMAGE5ATTACH The input form is working OK and the images upload OK as I have checked them via FTP. On the static custom html_details template I have included the following code. I show just code for one image. <table width="730" border="3" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#66CC99" height="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#009999" align="center"> <img src="thumbnail.php?id={LINKID}&field=linkimage1attach&thumbwidth=200&thumbheight=200"> <br>{LINKIMAGETITLE5} </td> </tr> </table> The above code was pulled from the WSN Links Manual from chapter 'Custom File Attachment Fields' The trouble is no image appears. I have tried the above using CAPITALS for the field, but no luck On the same template I have <img src="thumbnail.php?id={LINKID}"> And this works So the paths to the attachments directory and thumbnail.php must be correct. I have taken a look at thumbnail.php and have found the bit were if ($field != '') { $parts = explode('[,]', $thelink->$field); $thelink->filename = $parts[0]; $thelink->xwidth = $parts[3]; $thelink->yheight = $parts[4]; } I just can't see what is wrong, but I am not a php coder. Can anyone explain how I get a thumbnail displayed using an ATTACH file upload? I would like add that despite this problem I am having, WSN Links is excellent no other links package comes anywhere close to it. Thanks Alastair
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Submission Date Jun 07, 2005 - 7:27 AM