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Extra Categories created

Title Extra Categories created
Message Text I mentioned this in passing in a bug thread at WSNforums, but didn't get the chance to elborate. Tonight I just installed a new (and my final from my recent license set) WSNLinks and I'm running into the same problem. When I create a new category, another category named 'customwrap' s created at the same time. right now I have two categories at the top level, 'Art' and 'customwrap'. here is the debug for following grackelfish.com/historyanna...php?action=addcat&parent=0
Load time so far: 0.9 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1;

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grackelf/public_html/historyannals/classes/database.php:244) in /home/grackelf/public_html/historyannals/prestart.php on line 123

Load time so far: 0.99 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT name,value FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0 ;

Number of rows is 23 for Resource id #31

Load time so far: 1 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder ;

Number of rows is 4 for Resource id #33

Load time so far: 1 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT original,replacement,description,id,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder ;

Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #34

Load time so far: 1 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 4 for Resource id #35

Load time so far: 1.01 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,cancopy,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0 ;

Load time so far: 1.01 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,links,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,totalhitsin,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id=1 AND validated=1 ;

Load time so far: 1.02 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 4 for Resource id #40

Load time so far: 1.03 seconds.
Performing query: LOCK TABLES wsnlinks_email WRITE, wsnlinks_links WRITE, wsnlinks_categories WRITE, wsnlinks_members WRITE;

Load time so far: 1.03 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,`to`,subject,message,headers,replacement,mime FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10;

Access denied for user: 'username_removed@localhost' to database 'databasename_removed'

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #41

Load time so far: 1.03 seconds.
Performing query: UNLOCK TABLES;

Load time so far: 1.05 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE 1=1 ;

Load time so far: 1.05 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT title FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id=1 ;

Load time so far: 1.06 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT title FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id=2 ;

Load time so far: 1.06 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT title FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id=3 ;

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grackelf/public_html/historyannals/classes/database.php:244) in /home/grackelf/public_html/historyannals/end.php on line 29

Load time so far: 1.1 seconds.
Performing query: DELETE FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE time < 1113703312;

Load time so far: 1.1 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET starttime='0' WHERE time < 15;

Load time so far: 1.1 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET time='0' WHERE time < 15;

Load time so far: 1.1 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT starttime FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=1 ;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #50

Load time so far: 1.11 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET time='1113704212', location='http://grackelfish.com/historyannals/suggest.php?action=addcat&parent=0', catid='', threadid='', areaname='' WHERE memberid=1;
search the source on the submission page only comes up with these instances of 'custom wrap' besides in one of the mySQL queries above. (.17 seconds)
 <td class="labelscolumn"><span class="labels">Custom Wrapper:</span></td>
 <td class="optionscolumn"><input type="text" name="customwrap" size="30" value=""></td>
<input type="hidden" name="customwrapper" value="{CUSTOMWRAPPER}">
but this happens intermittantly .. with the debug above it didn't happen nor did it the subsequent 4 times I created new categories with debug running and copying the debug info on the submission page and the redirect page. I know I'll be going along no longer running debug and it will do it again and i'll be miffed. I thought I'd just throw this out to see if anybody else may have this strange problem, so far it has followed me in 2 WSNLinks (2.13) and one WSNForum(1.01). In the other WSNlinks I sometimes add listings and extra blank listings get added at the same time also.
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Submission Date Apr 16, 2005 - 9:30 PM