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thumbnails loading really slow

Title thumbnails loading really slow
Message Text Hi guys, My thumbnails are loading really slow. The page will be generated while the thumbnails are still loading. I dont know if its becauseI have over 1,000 thumbs or if its the host. I do use PNG images which is converted in to jpg once uploaded. 1) Do you gus think that using PNG images and then having it converted to jpg by wsnlinks will cause increase cpu usage, resulting in increase load? or slower load time? 2) My pages do get stuck while loading, parsing have shown it to be 30 to 60 secs intermittently. It all started this weekend and host is telling me there is nothing going on on their side. If they cap my usage then its possible to have this problem right? 3) If I go back and convert all the thumbnails from .png to .gif images and re-upload the images do you guys think that will help my situation? Any advice is appreciated, Fuee
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Submission Date Apr 12, 2005 - 12:16 PM