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Suggestion: Date Validated

Title Suggestion: Date Validated
Message Text Suggestion: DATE VALIDATED I think I mentioned this would be a good idea a while back, but never specifically asked for this feature to be added, so I'll do it now. Have a new field/variable that records the date the link was validated. It would pretty much work just like the date submitted/date edited fields currently do. Reason for adding this: for certain values, like average hits per day, it uses the date submitted. That means that if someone submits a link and I validate it a week later, the average hits per day is screwed because it's basing it on the link being publically available for a week, not a day. RSS feeds is another reason. The RSS feed might report a new link is 3 days old, when it fact it was just validated that day, because it's basing it on the date submitted, not date validated. Also, a new site I'm working on requires the date validated rather than the date submitted, and I'd rather have all the above functionality rather than trying to create a new date field that doesn't easily interact with everything else. Thanks, Adam
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Submission Date Apr 06, 2005 - 9:11 AM