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Drop down sort on Display Links

Title Drop down sort on Display Links
Message Text I have dropdown sorts on my displaylinks.tpl pages. I offer three options: sort by newest games, most popular and top rated. The problem is that when people sort by top rated, results will bring up links that have only 1 vote with a perfect score over a link with 10 votes and a perfect score. Two things I'd like to be able to do, if possible: 1. automatically have a secondary sort of most votes to least. 2. (this one is a longshot) first show results of top rated links with 10+ votes only, then show top rated links with less than 10 votes. I ask about #2 just in case it's possible, but otherwise I'd like to be able to implement #1. To see sort in action: www.gamelinks.com/index.php...?action=displaycat&catid=5 Thanks, Adam
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Ownership Synozeer
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Submission Date Apr 04, 2005 - 12:06 AM