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multiple users for database...

Title multiple users for database...
Message Text cAN SOMEONE VERIFY THIS CODE FOR ME, WILL THIS WORK with wsnlinks if I set 3 users to share one database? Powweb allows this just wasnt sure if it will work with script. $ruser[]="user1"; $ruser[]="user2"; $ruser[]="user3"; $db_user = $ruser[ rand(0,2) ]; $db_server = 'mysql0X.powweb.com'; $db_password = ''; $db_db = 'test'; $connection = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_password); mysql_select_db($db_db); I am going to switch HOST again, my current host is limiting my cpu usage so much that my site is barely functional. I have cut down the queries to 20-30/page and with all the email problems it is not worth the $40/month. It is actually slower then when i WAS PAYING $7/MONTH. tHANKs, fuee
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Submission Date Mar 28, 2005 - 9:03 AM