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Advanced Search -

Title Advanced Search -
Message Text Site under development but WSN (v3.14) functionality is largely in place: http://www.ulster.com/directory/search.php D/b contains 12 test records. Searching "company or organisation name" field for "has ANY of the words" "site company fishmarket" (without quotes) should return 4 records (I think). In fact it returns all 12. Searching "company or organisation name" field for "has ALL of the words" "company clothing" (without quotes) should return only 1 record. In fact it returns all 12. All records are returned under the above conditions even if another search field is also specified in advanced search. The problem is not particular to the "company or organisation name" field - it occurs for all fields using any/all. I won't make any changes to the test records until this is resolved, so that you can see exactly the same issues. Thanks!
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Submission Date Mar 11, 2005 - 5:12 AM