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Adding new drop down field

Title Adding new drop down field
Description How can I add a drop down field?
Message Text Hi This has to be the best guestbook I've tried! grin I'm stuck on one thing though. I've added a field for visitors to enter their gender, but rather than have a plain text entry box where they could enter whatever they like, I'd like to make it a drop-down menu with 3 choices, Male, Female, Not Specified. How do I go about this please? I've looked through the other ones for country etc and tried to copy that format, but when I look back at the languages etc, I don't see it listed. shaking head Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks Michael P.S. One more thing wink The popup window for the WSN Code is a disabled one with no resize, no scrollbars etc, so if you have a lot of code, you can't see the lower parts. I've looked in the code to see how I can change it, but I can't find it. Where will it be please?
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Submission Date Mar 07, 2005 - 12:40 AM