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Inheriting category authorization

Title Inheriting category authorization
Description Feature Suggestion
Message Text The basic idea would be that new subcategory's automatically inherit all of the settings of their parent. Meaning that every non standard value set in the field "Category usergroup permissions" for the parent is the default for the new subcategory being created (instead of the value "standard"). Possibly just as an option, although I feel it makes more sense for this to be the default. Generally if you make a member only category i.e. you want all of the subcategories of that category not to be viewable by members as well. Here is a simple example, although it could be as complex as having set 30-40 options in the "usergroup permissions field". 1) I restrict the usergroup "Guest" from viewing category "A" (by setting the usergroup permissions 2) I then make a subcategory "B" inside of the category "A". (just adding the name, using the default values other than that) 3) I log out 4) As a guest I go the subcategory in question (by entering the direct url, selecting it from a toplist, searching for it or through a menu). I can view it like any other non-restricted category.
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Submission Date Dec 22, 2004 - 8:14 PM