Profile of befeleme
Contact Information
Biographical Information
Location: Czech Republic
befeleme's Membership Status
Last seen: Nov 18, 2008 - 5:55 AM
Registration Date: Aug 27, 2005
Usergroup: Customer
Topics Submitted: 48 topics
Total Comments: 82 (0 per day)
Total Time Online: 1 day, 19 hours and 29 minutes
Submission History
Most recent topics:
- Problem with tweaks.php (accenttweak)
- Visit template home.tpl by admin
- Antispam-image redirect
- Automatic log out users
- Diacritics in mode rewrite
Most recent comments:
- Hallo Paul, I used in my WSN file tweaks.php by according to this topic. I use apache mod_rewrite URL rewriting in Admin /SEO. Now, I have link with titl...
- Paul, When I turn ON Auto-write .htaccess, .htacces is automatically changed and Options +FollowSymlinks is added on the first line? When I want use .h...
- Hallo Paul I want start "experiments" with Rewrite URL and .htacces (by use 4.1.16), but I have this problem: My webhosting require removing Opt...
- Hallo Paul, I want to use new version WSNlinks (4.1.15) with correct rewrite adress categories, links details. etc but now rewrite URL in WSN is not...
- Hallo Paul, I log as admin and I want visit page of members with template "home.tpl". When I click to adresss for example: http://localhost/profile.php?...