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Multilingual display

Title Multilingual display
Description Here are the problems with multilingual translations .
Message Text Hello Paul I wonder if these problems are not related to files that have been improperly transferred during updates because everything worked perfectly there are still about 1 week ???? Here are the problems with multilingual translations . 1- All titles and descriptions of the categories are translated with custom fields ( englishname , englishdescription , dutchname , dutchdescription , germanname , germandescription , spanishname , spanishdescription ) I recall that the basic scripting language is French. I'm on the home page in French ( http://www.milouchouchou.com/articles/ ) and I click on the English language , categories and descriptions are displayed well in English. The problem : If I click on the title " Breeds of dogs ", this link send to the " breeds-of-dogs " category ( http://www.milouchouchou.com/articles/breeds-of-dogs/ ) and obviously with the message " No such happy exists . The link you are Following Seems to Have Been incorrect " Normally, this link should refer to " Les races de chiens " ( http://www.milouchouchou.com/articles/les-races-de-chiens/ ) , it should go to the database, take the titles and descriptions in English and display in that language, the same for other languages. Then if you click on a breed of dog, show this breed the requested language, but I do not know if this is because the list does not appear. 2 - For the second problem , I'll be on the list of breeds in French ( http://www.milouchouchou.com/articles/les-races-de-chiens/ ) , I click on the race " Ariégeois " and this race appears perfectly in french . If I click on the English language , this race is always displayed in French and with misinterpreted HTML codes ( [ fullfont style = "margin -left: 50 "] Crâne plat ou en ogive trop prononcée [/ fullfont ] . ) same for other languages. Again, this should go to the database, take the titles and descriptions in English and display in that language, the same for other languages. 3 - For the third problem , I'll be on the list of breeds in French ( http://www.milouchouchou.com/articles/les-races-de-chiens/ ) , I click on English and the list appears perfectly English. If I click " Ariege hound ", the link sends to " http://www.milouchouchou.com/artic...ariegeois-1426-thread.html ) and the race is still displayed with the French and same codes HTML misinterpreted. Same here, it should go to the database, take the titles and descriptions in English and display in that language, the same for other languages. 4 - Finally, the category " Les formulaires de contact " is not translated into any other language in the display, yet it is translated when I make a change in this category. 5 - Even if I put my browser in English, the site still appears in French. I know that's a lot, but I would like the site works perfectly in 5 languages. Cordially. Francis
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Submission Date Sep 29, 2013 - 4:10 AM