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Category title issues

Title Category title issues
Message Text I noticed the handy dandy urls that wsncl puts out and went to create categories for the first time. After seeing that a "'" in the title of the category shut the url masking off I tried to edit it but now the field is completely gone. I know that doesn't make sense because I don't know your labels for this portion of the site. I did the following. 1) Created 4 categories. URL masking created nice titles like: /Important-Contacts instead of /index.php?action=displaycat&catid=4 2) Subcategory created "Homeowner's Associations" -- checked home page and now url masking says /7 (7 being the catid) 3)attempted to edit sub category...field for changing url masking title missing. 4) Deleted subcategory figuring "'" was the issue. 5) Added same subcategory but without "'", however url masking field still missing. Switches (if any) were not changed during this period. The url masking just stopped cold turkey. FYI all categories were added from front end. Any ideas? Edit: I'm viewing the suggest category template and there's this before the field:
I'm now assuming apacherewrite is now set to no, but I didn't change anything to that effect.
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Ownership sparkalina
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Submission Date Sep 15, 2008 - 2:10 PM