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Hi Paul,
Gotta question: I'm restricting the category listing on main.tpl to just regular category types with an IF statement. However, when I do that, WSNLinks is still adding the additional <tr> and </tr> elements for the other category types (although, there's nothing in them). Do you have any suggestions on how I could remove those? Sorry to nitpick, it's just I'm just trying to make it xhtml compliant and the validator has problems with <tr> and </tr> with nothing in it.
<table align="center" width="80%"> <!-- BEGIN CATSBODY --> <!-- BEGIN REGULAR --> <IF {CATTYPE} is regular> <td {CATWIDTH} valign="top" class="category"> <a href="{CATURL}" class="categoryname">{CATCATOTHERNAME}</a> ({CATNUMLINKS}) {CATHASNEW} {CATADMIN}<br /> <!-- BEGIN SUBSUB --> <a href="{CATURL}">{CATNAME}</a>, <!-- END SUBSUB --> <IF {SWITCH_FORUMVIEWS} or {SWITCH_ONLINEFORUM}><br /></IF> <IF {SWITCH_FORUMVIEWS}>{CATVIEWS} views</IF><IF {SWITCH_FORUMVIEWS} and {SWITCH_ONLINEFORUM}>, </IF> <IF {SWITCH_ONLINEFORUM}>{CATNUMONLINE} viewing</IF> </td> </IF> <!-- END REGULAR --> <!-- END CATSBODY --> </table>
P.S. Should I be using a toplist instead? |