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Changes To Customized Templates

Title Changes To Customized Templates
Description Where can I find these changes?
Message Text I was running version 4.1.30 and was prompted to upgrade to 4.1.32. I did and got the following message after upgrade was successful: The following templates which you've customized have changes which you will want to apply in order to see new features and the like: javascriptheader.js, wrapper.tpl How do I know or find these changes in order to apply them? Besides, I don't think I've ever made any changes to javascriptheader.js myself. I took a look at the source code and compare it to the standard version and found one line that was changed: line 74 (my current version after upgrade): var tosend = "ajax.php?action=counthit" + escape("&") + "linkid=" + linkid; line 74 (standard version): var tosend = "{DIRURL}/ajax.php?action=counthit" + escape("&") + "linkid=" + linkid; Now which one should I load? and where can I find the new changes to wrapper.tpl? Thanks
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Submission Date Mar 01, 2008 - 7:13 PM