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adding link /member problem

Title adding link /member problem
Message Text When testing the site and adding links as if I were a visitor I get strange problem when I have email selected as a mandatory field. Firstly the user gets directed to a page saying that you do not have authoriztion to access this are, please log in. Then, on trying again the link gets added, without going through any admin validation but the add page keeps reloading (and adding the same info again) wit no warning aying that the info has been added. Has anyone come across this or is it some mistake I have made? When I de select the mandatory email it works fine but the user does not get emailed their user and pass. (EDIT) After removing cookies and tying again, the script still adds stuff like I am logged in (in another browser too - ut still the same one I added other tests with). With or without the email mandatory in the fields. It must be a cookie issue but I don't get what!
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Submission Date Nov 23, 2007 - 3:17 PM