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member group revert variables

Title member group revert variables
Description inquiry
Message Text Paul, Can you please confirm me, When working with cache system enabled and member sponsorship enabled, the daily member funds deduction can not be always accurate because we may not reach enought page views per day. In can work directly with the variables {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} and {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} in order to assign directly the time to reversion and membergroup reversion for each member that has payed to be sponsor. I understand {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} is stated on seconds and it corresponds to the future php time() value that has to be reached for the membergroup to be reverted (it's not seconds over the current php time() variable). Also can you indicate me on wich moment does or at what process this variable is readed checking if it has being reached. I also understand {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} is the number of the usergroup to revert to.
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Submission Date Jul 31, 2007 - 5:55 PM