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call to undefinded function geturl()

Title call to undefinded function geturl()
Description error
Message Text Paul,

I have a form calling formemail.php ,
This form is inside sponsor.tpl ( WSN Links 4.0.25 / php ver 4.4.6 )
as I want members to email me a confirmation form.

After submiting the form, the following error arises:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: geturl() in /usr/home/nnnnn/public_html/wsnlinks/form/formemail.php on line 51

I understand that the difficulty is with geturl(), also at line 51 we have:

$body = geturl($autoresponse);

As a test I have deleted:

if ($_POST['autoresponse'] != '')
$body = geturl($autoresponse);
mail($submitteremail, 'Re: '. stripslashes($_POST['subject']), stripslashes($body), 'From: '. $adminemail);

And now it's working fine. Await for you to take a look at this.
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Submission Date Jul 30, 2007 - 8:58 PM