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4.1.0 Alpha 1

Title 4.1.0 Alpha 1
Description release notes
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1) This is not the final template set, I've hired someone to create an attractive one. Thus I suggest you don't waste time customizing the current templates/style. Not customizing will allow your templates to be automatically updated during your upgrades.

2) I don't recommend upgrading any important 4.0.x installs yet -- it can be done, but every upgrade I've done so far has involved unexpected headaches (mainly with the template updater and with language).

3) Have your say on how I've implimented the various features. I'm much more likely to make suggested changes/enhancements now than during the beta/RC/final process. In particular I don't think I'm grasping how tagging is supposed to work.

4) The manual for 4.1 is a work in progress, so feel free to ask questions about what it doesn't cover in this thread.

5) When Alpha 2 comes out your admin panel should prompt you to let it upgrade you.

Tested and verified so far:

- average page is 20% faster in my tests
- when deleting category, an option to auto-transfer all links/posts/feeds to specified category
- YESNODEFAULT} template variable appendage to show a selector with the options use default, yes and no
- compact help browser
- customizable common tasks list for admin panel
- now using XHTML, instead of HTML 4.01
- grouped switches by their logical dependancies, changed to checkboxes
- moved admin panel to templates/admin for independence
- color scheme wizard, and simplified stylesheet
- pagination centralized to a template with {PAGINATION}
- some cleanup on the 'advanced' page
- language replacements are now done on template load, so that template vars and conditionals always work in language items
- admin menu state changes now stick across sessions
- <!-- BEGIN TYPE TOTALS --> area that lists totals for all types of links in the category
- menu frame refreshes after changing switches, so that appropriate options show automatically
- optional 'next page' and 'previous page' links in pagination
- import option to scrape links from a page and place result in the 'bulk add' box
- all $_SERVER vars are now available as global template vars {SERVER_X}
- now using language item for currency sign ($), to ease changing it
- email preview is now templated
- custom titles specification page
- admin stats page moved to template
- {FUNC_PROTECTTEXT[{LINKEMAIL}]} template function available to disguise cleartext emails into ascii codes for (flawed) spam protection
- dropped translation of index.php... link.php... urls to rewritten, you must use {CATURL}, {LINKDETAILSURL} now
- post bit, to simplify templates a little
- shoutbox
- quotes system
- toplist mechanism to select only distinct rows
- filterable bulk edit categories page
- filterable bulk edit links page
- [INSERTFILE=] can now process urls in addition to local templates
- in-template method to set a custom wrapper: <!-- usewrapper=wrapper2 -->
- ability to pass the login in url
- centralized navigation bit

Remaining to test:

- automatic updates via prompt in admin panel
- add missing (new) images on upgrade
- automatic addition of new templates and updating of uncustomized templates. needed changes to be linked to file comparison.
- an option on the send emails page to merge all emails heading to the same link owner email address, using a <!-- BEGIN ROW --> structure to send info about each link.
- images directory defaults to whatever style images are available, such that images_default will still be used by a stylesheet newstyle if necessary
- switch for all reciprocal link related material
- removed admindir length restriction
- upgrade.php now automatically unlocks to non-admins when it detects the upgrade has not been run yet
- moved ppc search plugins to own directory, any file added is autolisted as search plugin
- compacted secondary usergroup category permissions processing, hopefully not breaking anything
- improved/centralized search highlighting
- option to turn multilingual template set into monolingual
- custom attachment fields can be used on any type of object now
- custom rating fields can be used on any type of object now
- centralized redirects and ensured they can pass custom templates along to destination
- added the modcp reports page from wsn forum
- member list sort options for last login date and user group
- search for member usergroups
- link searches can now be sorted by rotating letter
- switch to turn avatars off
- chat room
- [url=] and [size=] wsn codes now yield valid html whether the user quotes the parameter or not
- flatfile (incl CSV) import for categories
- category jump selector now obeys rewriting
- url rewriting allowing full category path in the details, outgoing link and thread urls
- installation option: choose full-featured (all switches on) or simple (most switches disabled)
- option to rewrite ampersands
- guestbook reply notification option in profile
- whole site IP bans write to .htaccess when it's available
- localization settings working same in multilingual as english
- option for member to subscribe to notifications of matches for a list of keywords
- distinct hits in switch
- unsubscribe-from-everything-at-once link
- subcategories now inherit permissions from parents unless otherwise specified (requires regeneration after upgrade)
- conditionals in email subject lines
- integration generator now prompts for the registration url
- included moderator whiteboard from WSN Forum
- category types switch
- searchable fields for members
- similar categories
- utility to remove unused language items
- required fields for calendar
- ability to make calendar events span multiple days
- subcats html can now differ by template, html changes no longer require regeneration
- pluggable functions
- for WSN integration, the category name now accurately reflects which site it's on if $registrationurl is set
- cookie path/domain can now be overriden in config.php/tweaks.php using $cookiepath and $cookiedomain
- template variable {TIME} which provides current unix timestamp and works in toplists
- admin panel option to show items which have not yet taken effect
- 'protected fields' list to make sure only admins can set/change certain data
- censor page option to decide if titles should be censored
- option to give a particular thread a custom order
- search log now records advanced searches
- usergroup permission to limit the number of total aliases per member (across all links)
- SEO option to serve noindex/nofollow to non-rewritten URLs
- submitters can add an RSS feed whose items will be inserted into the directory daily
- reorganized usergroup permissions based on type of item
- switch for PAD files
- auto-updating of link details based on the PAD data every x days
- option to recip-check links after 48 hours automatically, then re-verify each month
- tagging, tag cloud
- listing of changed language items on upgrade, with automatic update of uncustomized items.
- per-category sponsorship
- when translating, the language page brings you to the next set automatically after updating
- {ATTACHDOWNLOADURL} to give the download url for an attachment without bothering to type it out
- option to let link owners respond to comments within them
- added links to find deleted items
- payment detail logging
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Ownership Paul
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Submission Date May 20, 2007 - 11:53 PM