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Unique Meta Description for categories

Title Unique Meta Description for categories
Description Adding a unique meta description for each category
Message Text I'm sure this question must have been answered somewhere, and I'm sure there is an easy answer but I have not been able to find it. So, if someone can please help me, I'd appreciate it. I am trying to have a unique meta description tag for each category. However, they all seem to display the same description drawn from the "System Configuration " section of the admin panel. However, I only want this for the home page of the links directory. I have trieds changing this in two places. 1. I go to Edit Categories 2. I select Edit cateogry 3. In the third field down, which is called "Description", I type a new description. But I guess this is for something else??? I also tried entering the following in the field "Header Insert: Put category-specific meta tags and other such header HTML here." <meta name="description" content="Blah blah blah blah."> But this doesn't work either. I'm sure the solution is simple, but I really have not managed to locate this. Please help.
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Submission Date Dec 05, 2006 - 8:35 PM