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Category SUBSUB in templates

Title Category SUBSUB in templates
Description Nothing I put in the SUBSUB section has any effect
Message Text I made a slight change to main.tpl and displaylinks.tpl so that the subcategories list vertically rather than as comma separated on a line;
 <li><a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid={CATID}" class="categoryname">{CATNAME}</a></li>
<!-- END SUBSUB -->
However, this seems to have no effect. No matter what I put in the SUBSUB section, the result is the same comma list. Even if I remove all code in that section. Have I mistakenly changed a variable which controls this, as it did list vertically previously. Thanks
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Ownership Ducnan Clarke
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Submission Date Oct 03, 2006 - 8:34 PM