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Description can't get it work right
Message Text I'm using {CATACTASLINK} in my URLs for associated (sub)categories to avoid redirect. And somehow it works on one page and doesn't work on another and they use the same template. http://www.ibsteam.net/wsnlinks/Real_Estate_USA - scroll down to South Carolina - mouseover the subcategory "New Construction" - it shows wsnlinks/Real_Estate_USA/South_Carolina/New_Construction - when you go into South Carolina the New Construction category has the correct URL which is being used from {CATACTASLINK}. Also if you mouseover other subcats in the Real_Estate_USA under South Carolina - you'll see they have id numbers in the URLs and if you go to the SC category and mouseover on them (on the top right) - you'll see different urls which indicated in actaslink column. Here is my code:
<a href="{CATACTASLINK}" class="categoryname">{CATNAME}</a>,
<a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid={CATID}" class="categoryname">{CATNAME}</a>, 
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the same condition is being used for the regular categories. It doesn't work on Real_Estate_USA page, but works on South Carolina. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks
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Submission Date Sep 09, 2006 - 4:02 PM