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Problem with Cats - HELP!

Title Problem with Cats - HELP!
Description WSN Links is down on site
Message Text Paul, further to my contact to you concerning this problem, herewith copy of database. http://www.barkery.co.uk/new/data.txt had to do it as a link as cannot attach txt files :-( Sorry to post here as well but I am absolutely desparate! To recap all of problem..... New client began to add categories. Added one then did the same procedure to add another. Ended up with a category (together with all sub-cats) that I had put in disappearing. I regenerated and it threw a wobbly! Now user-end of site is down. I can get into admin but it won't let me look at categories. Looking at database it has done some weird things but I don't know how to recify it. There is a section that simply repeats the titles of the cats client submitted: , Aromatics for animals, T Shirts, and then repeats , 13, 2
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Submission Date Apr 18, 2006 - 7:51 AM