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[ NOTVAR ] in js export titles

Title [ NOTVAR ] in js export titles
Description is, or, and , not
Message Text I'm using something similiar to the manual entry example and the default toplist
<script language="javascript" src="http://www.domain.com/exporter.php?number[1]=10&field[1]=time&ascdesc[1]=descending&type[1]=links"></script>
Some of the titles have [ NOTVAR ] in them, below are some of the words i've noticed like this, they seem to be small ones. i[ NOTVAR ]s o[ NOTVAR ]r a[ NOTVAR ]nd n[ NOTVAR ]ot I inserted the description and it is also happening here. Note, that there shouldnt be a space before [ and NOTVAR, but it doesn't appear in a preview unless I add it.
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Submission Date Apr 05, 2006 - 11:55 AM